Ground Anchor made of Aluminium Tube for Bali Flags with Telescopic Poles

Item number 33-BA-20-995
EUR 7.99 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price EUR 7.99 / piece
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Aluminium Tube

Dimensions (external diameter):
Ø 15 mm for telescopic poles 3 metres
Ø 20 mm for telescopic poles 4 metres
Ø 25 mm for telescopic poles 5 and 6 metres
Ø 30 mm for telescopic poles 7 and 8 metres 

Product Description
The ground anchor is suitable for all telescopic poles of up to 8 metres in length. The ground anchor is driven about 20-30 deep into the earth. The telescopic pole is opened at the lower end and put over the ground anchor.

In addition, the 40-60147 ground sleeves/ground spikes can be used to achieve better stability in case of light soils or to enable a faster assembly and dismantling of the Bali flags.

Item ID 169308
Condition New
Model BA-20-995
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Net weight 350 g
Dimensions 20×20×1000 mm
effivendo e.K.
Streittorstr. 26
38685 Langelsheim Germany
+49 5326 9979000
effivendo e.K.
Streittorstr. 26
38685 Langelsheim Germany
