Ground Spike / Ground Anchor for Bali Flags - Telescopic poles

Item number 40-60143
RRP EUR 6.99
EUR 3.99 *
Content 1 piece
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Ground spike / ground sleeve for Bali flags - telescopic poles

  • Made of plastic

  • With screw-in aid made of steel

  • With reducing sleeves for pole diameters of 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45mm

  • 40cm overall length

For the outdoor use of our GFK telescopic poles and Bali flags, we also recommend using ground anchors. The ground anchors are inserted into the lawn and screwed. By doing so, the telescopic pole can be put over the ground anchor and, for instance, can be quickly dismantled in case of an approaching storm.

Item ID 230007
Condition New
Model 60143
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Net weight 480 g
Dimensions 320×220×80 mm
Haushalt International Import- und Export GmbH
Heidplackenweg 9
26209 Hatten Germany
+49 441-9207048
Haushalt International
Heidplackenweg 9
26209 Hatten Germany